
Mood Swings and Wall Colours, are they related?

Most of us have been spending a lot of time at our homes ever since the pandemic has begun. Have you ever felt those walls are staring at you? Colors may affect your emotions more than you realize.

Colors and emotions are somehow linked. Warm color evokes our emotions more than other colors, they create different feelings. It all depends on the psychological effect of the color used.

Colors and Moods

Colors make you sad as well as happy, even make you relaxed and hungry. Such reactions are due to biological conditions, cultural imprints, and of course, psychological effects. That is the reason why we should understand the impact of wall colors on ones’ behavior.

People often try to coordinate the color of the wall with other things in the room but they forget about how the surrounding color influences their emotions. Here we learn about a few colors and how they impact your emotion.


Red Wall

Red is the most dynamic and warmest color that triggers emotions. It is more associated with love and passion but brings anger and danger too. Choose this color carefully, you should not paint red in your bedroom, it can cause aggression and hostility in you. Use such color on any one wall of your living space or study room. Low light with a red wall will give an elegant aura.

Sunshine Yellow

Sunshine Yellow Wall

Do not push yourself towards seasonal trends, golden yellow all are shocking colors. Too much visual intensity can stimulate our minds more and lead to unpleasant behavior. Perhaps, subtle yellow is more energetic and dedicated to hope laughter, and sunshine. Some may feel cheerful and optimistic seeing this color while for others, it may irritate their eyes.


Gray Wall

An ongoing trendy interior wall color, gray is perfectly neutral and promotes a timeless practical look. Gray walls cancel energetic and creative impulses. Many people choose gray for their bedrooms and other common areas to complement vibrant color accessories. Light gray helps to calm your mind and mood but avoid it in the dining space. It can dampen your appetite.


White is the clean and crisp color for walls and ceilings. It helps to open up your room and give a more spacious look. It is a symbol of innocence, purity, and goodness. White does not add or cut down any energy from the atmosphere. Rather, it is a blank canvas and may make you feel bored sometimes.


Blue Wall

Blue is the color to make you feel relaxed and safe. It evokes a feeling of spirituality and calmness. By seeing the color, the body creates a chemical that calms your mind and body. But remember, dark blues do the opposite of all, so better to choose a lighter shade of blue. They are more relaxing and friendly.

There is something important to know that these colors can be biased- for one person if they are cheerful but for other people, it may be irritating. It depends on one’s past experience, ongoing mental pressure, and cultural differences.

In general, whatever color you select, go for a lighter or mute shade. They promote positive energy and will not trigger your mental health.


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